World Development Foundation Specialised Services
- Terrestrial Broadcasting for Radio and Television; Frequency planning, coverage planning and prediction, system design, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of terrestrial broadcast networks.
- Satellite Broadcasting; Consultancy and undertaking full turnkey jobs in planning, execution and operation of uplink & downlink systems employing both analogue and state-of- the-art digital video compression technologies.
- Studio Systems; Interior design and acoustics for broadcast studios and office, theatres & auditoriums, design and implementation of audio-video production and post-production suites to meet customer specific requirements.
- Content planning, Commercial strategy, Operations, Engineering design, Regulatory Support .
- Assistance in Site Planning & System Design of the set-up.
- Assistance in Operational Aspects,Training, Commissioning, Hand-holding & Maintenance .
World Development Foundation Philosophy
Our key philosophy is to provide quality service of highest standard. This includes.
- Flexible, tailor-made cost effective solutions to every customer's unique requirements.
- Emphasis on a professional, total quality approach with frequent reviews and monitoring for efficient and cost-effective completion of every project on schedule.
Sample our works

Collobaration with Media Lab Asia, Ministry of Communication & IT, Government of India
World Development Foundation (WDF) and Media Lab Asia (MLA) have joined hand through a Memorandum of Association to harness the potential of Community Radio for enriching the life of poor people. By this association, it shall be able to start a process of use of radio for helping the farmers and poor in education in the field of agriculture, health and hygiene which shall result in social transformation of the country. In this direction, it is proposed to set up five community radio stations in five Agricultural Universities, namely Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology, Faizabad, U.P., Tamil Nadu Agricultural university Coimbtore, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Krishak Nagar - 492006, Raipur, Chaudhary Charan Singh Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Hissar, Haryana. The content on various themes of agriculture and farming shall be developed for broadcast with the help of subject experts in University and outside and media experts. Program shall also be developed for forewarning of the epidemics such as infestation of diseases and pest, heavy rains, floods, cyclone, Tsunami and such other natural calamities in advance. Through the use of radio, enterprising youths in the forming community shall be trained in various gambits of marketing of agricultural produce. In essence, the project shall have following components:
- Research and Innovation of new modes of use of Radio media with ICT for improving the livelihood of poor and underprivileged.
- Holding Seminars/Workshops/Tutorials (at five remote places) to interact with professionals, communities, stake holders.
- Development of an integrated software solution for acquisition of content, media and metadata storage, its selection, making a play list, scheduling, broadcast automation, keeping record of program broadcasts (data logging), billing for commercials as per Government of India new guidelines.
- Identifying the sources for Hardware and integrating the software for developing a cost effective solution for the community radio stations.
- Deployment of the solution in five Agriculture Universities in India.
- Imparting training for hardware maintenance, content production, broadcast ethics, rules and regulation, broadcasting.
- Development of content of 1000 hours in their own language and dialect. Use of methods such as radio browsing integrated with broadcasts for educating the masses. Use of live discussions for education. Radio Browsing of the Internet is a type of program in which the radio presenters gather information in response to listener's needs and queries from reliable sites on the Internet, on CD-ROMs or other digital resources. During the program, the presenter visits these pages of information on the computer screen together with a local expert (for example, a professor from agriculture institute for a question on farming) and together, they describe, explain and discuss the information directly in the languages used by the community. Radio browsing is already used in Asia, Africa and Caribbean. It has demonstrated radio broadcast potential for overcoming language barriers to access, discuss, select and assimilate information available in a limited number of languages on the Internet. Moreover, being a participatory radio program, Radio Browsing of the Internet, has taken into account the desires of rural communities to assimilate knowledge collectively as against the prevailing modality of individual access to the Internet. Community databases for development utilize the capacity of the community collectively to produce knowledge and to package and disseminate it in an appropriate manner to meet the immediate needs and priorities of the community.
- Assessing the impact. An extensive survey of listeners of related CRS shall be undertaken to help determine the program content, its timing and impact.
Consultancy and technical advisory Services
Agriculture Knowledge Dissemination System
WDF signed a MOU with Bihar Agricultural University to implement a state wide Agriculture Knowledge Dissemination System.
The scheme consisted of establishing knowledge centres around Bihar, their connectivity through Broadband, development of content and dissemination. In this connection, a Workshop was also conducted in Patna.The details of system connectivity is given below.

Please see the details of the project here.
The ANDS was inaugurated by Hon'ble Shri Nitish Kumar, Chief Minister of Bihar on 1st June 2012. Pl. see the details here
Community Radio Stations
WDF comissioned CRS for Allahabad Agriculture Institute-Deemed University.
WDF commissioned CRS for Abid Ali Trust, Hyderabad
CRS at CCS Agriculture University Hissar, set up by WDF being inaugurated by Hon'able Shri Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Chief Minister of Haryana.

CRS at IGKV Raipur, set up by WDF, being inaugurated by Dr. Raman Singh Chief Minister, Chhatisgarh.

Commercial Radio Station
Red FM / Sun FM studios and office at Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Kochi, Siliguri & Gangtok.
TV Studios
TV Studios at Bhagalpur completed. Pl. see photo Gallery.Radio Station Management Software
Radio Management Software WDF developed Radio Broadcasting Software for Community Radio Station in collaboration with Media Lab Asia. Download Manual