Founder Members
Dr. H. O. Srivastava

Dr. H. O. Srivastava is the President of WDF. Formerly, as Engineer-in Chief (HAG of IB(E)S equivalent to Addl. Secretary to Govt. of India) of All India Radio and Doordarshan, the public broadcaster in India, he worked for expansion of broadcast network (including public broadcasting, Gyan Vani Channel of IGNOU, Krishi Channel of Ministry of Agriculture, Commercial and community radio channels) and important policy formulations for Community Radio Stations and private broadcasting in India. He established IT Division, AIR Rsources & Training Division of All India Radio, BECIL, a public sector undertaking of Min of I&B, etc.
Dr.Chandra Rashmi Srivastava

Dr. Chandra Rashmi is Executive Director of World Development Foundation. Earlier she was the principal of Bharati Mahila Mahavidyalaya (Degree College), Jaunpur, Varanasi, India. She is also a freelance writer, advisor and consultant in the field of electronic media, education and Information Technology. She has published numerous articles on Education, Management, IT and literature including a book on Prasaran Takniki: Kal Aaj aur Kal (Broadcast Technology: Past, Present and Future). She compiled and edited a regular monthly column on Broadcast News for an Indian technical magazine called BITCOM INDIA. She is Master in Arts, Master in Education and Ph.D in Education.