Event Management
We are an experienced & vibrant organization with a combined experience of over 20 years in the field of Event Management, Seminars, Conferences, Exhibitions, Annual General Meetings (AGM), Annual Days, Product Launches, Awards Nights, Fashion Shows, Calendar Shoots etc. We not only have the professional managers to execute the events, but also have designers and creative people to design the concepts for each and every event that we handle.WDF also organizes tutorials, symposiums etc. specially structured for organizations for a group of scientists / experts/ officers, based on their needs. Please contact us for such needs. WDF organizes these Seminars & Workshops on a number of themes namely use of radio, TV, new media, satellite Internet etc. to propogate the science to eradicate poverty and educate people. Please check our website (https://wdfindia.in) regularly to know the dates of launch of new events.
Our vision
Our vision and philosophy is to be the most cost effective yet total solution providers for the clients. We also strive to create, heighten and project the image of the client companies in the corporate world through events, exhibitions and business summits to create novel concepts for launching, re-launching and positioning of the products and services of organizations that strive for an identity in the corporate world.Pl see the video of an event management by World Development Foundation.
National Conference on ICT and Mass Media in agriculture and education for SDG2030 New Delhi, 29th November 2019
About the Conference
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by International Community in September 2015, seek to address issues relating to hunger, poverty alleviation, democratic governance and peace building, climate change and disaster risk, and economic inequality [1]. The SDGs and targets are intertwined. Almost all the SDGs relate to sustainable agriculture. The pathway of linkage is either direct (like in the case of SDG 2 on ending hunger and achieving food insecurity) or indirect like SDG 8 on promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth (which can only be achieved if agricultural growth encompasses marginal and small farmers, women farmers etc.). Many countries of the world have started including these into their national development frameworks, action plans and budgets.
The 2030 Agenda and its enshrined goals, embracing the economic, social, and environmental perspectives of sustainable development provide a historic and promising opportunity for the well being of the world’s future generations and the planet.
Knowledge AgricultureTM is a process which uses technology and tools such as Greenhouse, IOT (Internet of Things), Robotics, AI (Artificial Intelligence), UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) and specialized software for weather modelling, smart zone seeding, fertilizer modelling, Country’s income is directly related to education of its people and ICT penetration. The focus area is education and skill development. The challenge with the informed society is to communicate with people in their own language and impart knowledge and skill to enable them to earn their livelihood and improve their living conditions. Execution of technology assisted knowledge & skill development projects and their sustained monitoring for many years by us showed inspiring changes in rural behavior and willingness of learners to adopt the new technology. In the conference we shall debate on few tools and technology that can be used to attain SDG2030 especially for agriculture and education.
This conference focussed on use of technology such as Cloud, New Media, Internet, Broadcasting including Community Radio for achieving the SDG2030 in long term and accomplishing the mission set by our honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to double the income of farmers by 2022 and skill the youth for generating employment.
The Conference brain stormed to select the right technology to be used by various nations of the world to achieve SDG2030. VIPs such as H.E. Dr. Manoj Nardeo Singh, Secretary General, African-Asian Rural Development Organization, Vice Chancellors from several Universities, Agriculture experts such as Dr. R. P. Singh, Executive Secretary, Indian Agricultural Universities Association, Prof M. Moni, former DG, NIC, Media, and Government officials participated. Ms. Aprajita Srivastava, Executive Director, World Development Foundation delivered Keynote. The lectures are being broadcast live in several countries through AARDO /WDF channel and proceedings being published by Lambert, Germany. H.E. Dr. Manoj Nardeo Singh, Secretary General, AARDO graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Dr. Peter Chen from the Embassy of Taiwan discussed about the steps being taken in Taiwan.
National Workshop on Use of IT & New Media in Science Education on 17th and 18th March 2010
World Development Foundation (WDF) organized a National Workshop on "Use of IT & New Media in Science Education" at India international Centre, New Delhi on 17th and 18th March 2010. The workshop was co-sponsored and supported by Media Lab Asia, MCIT, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Mariah Studios, OSBS Pvt. Ltd & Gateway India Enterprises. The inaugural session was addressed by Shri Yogesh Kochhar (Director, Microsoft Corporation), Shri S.N.Goswami (Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Media Lab Asia,), Shri Sandeep Marwah (National Chairman, International Film & Television Research Center), Dr. (Mrs) Malti Goel (Scientist Emeritus- Jawahar Lal Nehru University and former adviser-Department of Science & Technology) & Dr. H.O. Srivastava, President, World Development Foundation.

The workshop was addressed by eminent speakers namely Shri A. K. Bhatnagar, Chief Engineer, Doordarshan, Shri Yogendra Pal, Chief Engineer AIR, Shri R. K. Singh, former Engineer-in-Chief, Doordarshan, Dr. R. Sreedher, Director CEMCA, Shri P.S. Sundaram, CMD Technomedia, Ms. Sarita, WDF, Ms. Sanskriti WDF, Shri Sajan Venyoor, Secretary General, Community Radio Forum, India, Smt. Bandana Mukhopadhyay, Consultant IGNOU, Shri Rishikesh patankar, Sr. Research Scientist Media Lab Asia, Shri Sandeep Bansal, Scientist, Media Lab Asia, Prof. Suresh Verma, MCRC, Jamia Milia, Ms. Soma Ghosh, CMS Lucknow, Ms. Deepti Pant, Shri T.R. Malakar, former Director General AIR, Shri Rajeev Shukla, Director (Policy) AIR, Shri L.S.Bajpai Station Director, AIR(Delhi). It was followed by a panel discussion by Dr. Kamal Kant Dwivedi Head NCSTC and Dr. R. Sreedhar, Director, Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia.
About 80 delegates from all over India including educational institutes, Universities, NGOs, CRS operators attended and various subjects on science education including role of media such as Radio, TV, New Media etc was discussed. The workshop generated large interest and was a great success.
Recommendations and future plan of action
Following recommendations emerged from the workshop:
* There is a need for rapid escalation of quality science education in the country.
* Use of ICT is very important for the quality science education to bridge the gap of qualified teachers and infrastructure facilities in the country.
* Workshops, seminars, tutorials should be organized frequently for knowledge dissemination.
* Community Radio Stations can play a vital role in science education.
* Government should think of a single window clearance for licenses for Community Radio Stations.
* Ministry of Agriculture should work as a nodal agency for getting the clearances for CRSs for KVKs. There is need for a certificate to be issued by SAUs for operation of CRSs at KVKs to avoid the objection of ICAR at a later date.
* e-Content is very essential for uniformity of science education in the country.
* World Development Foundation will make efforts to frequently organize workshops, seminars, and tutorials for knowledge dissemination with the help of CSIR, DST, Universities, KVKs, NGOs, institutions.
* A copy of the report shall be sent to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to rapidly allocate the licenses for Community Radio, preferably using a single Window Clearance to widen the use of Community Radio in order to make it work more effectively for science education.
* A request shall also be made to the Ministry of Communication (WPC) for single window clearance for license for Community Radio Stations.
* Main emphasis shall be given in developing the content as it is very essential for science education in the country.
* An effort shall be made to approach different organizations for one skill development along with the digital literacy for the employability of the people. Help from Microsoft shall be sought.
* Prasar Bharati shall be requested to consider allocating channels for science education in the multiple channel technology being adopted by them.
Workshop Presentations
Presentation by Sanskriti and Sarita, WDFPresentation by Sh. Yogendra Pal, Chief Engineer, All India Radio
Presentation by Sh. A. K. Bhatnagar, Chief Engineer, Doordarshan
Presentation by Dr. (Mrs) Malti Goel, Prof. Emritus JNU & Former Advisor DST-Key Note Speaker
Presentation by Media Lab Asia
Presentation by Sh. Sajan Venniyoor, Secretary General, Community Radio Forum of India
Presentation by Sh. S.K. Verma, Jamia Milia
Presentation by Ms. Deepti Pant, Director
Presentation by Ms. Soma Ghosh, CMS, Lucknow
Glimpses of National Workshop on "Use of IT and New Media in Science Education" at India International centre, New Delhi on March 17 & 18, 2010.
Workshop on Community Radio for SAUs, KVKs, & NGOs: New Delhi on 15th & 16th January, 2009

A workshop was organized by World Development Foundation on the above theme at NASC Complex, New Delhi on 15th & 16th January, 2009 with the support of Media Lab Asia, Ministry of Communications & IT (MCIT) and Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. The main objective was to discuss the new policy of the Ministry of Agriculture to provide funds for setting up Community Radio Stations for SAUs, KVKs, & NGOs working in the filed of Agriculture under their scheme Support to State Extension Programme for Extension Reforms.
Media Lab Asia & World Development Foundation also approached the State Agriculture Departments, SAUs and KVKs by writing letters, e-mails and making telephone calls.
About 100 delegates from State Agriculture Departments, SAUs & KVKs attended the workshop. The workshop was conducted as per the programme schedule. The highlights of the workshop were as below:

The total workshop was made interactive with lively question & answer sessions and finally a panel discussion at the end. A number of questions regarding procedure for getting LOI, Frequency, SACFA etc, status of individual cases, power of the transmitter and content production etc. were raised and answered by experts. Following points emerged as follow up action:

The Workshop was appreciated by the participants and had achieved the objectives of demystifying the licensing, funding, technology issues.

Photos of the workshop day one
Photo of the workshop day two
Workshop Presentations
Dr. H. O. Srivastava, President WDFDr. R. P. Singh, Ratan, Director Extension, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
Dr. K. P. Singh, Director Extension, G.B. Pant University, Pantnagar
Dr. R. Vijayaraghavan, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore
Sh. T. N. Kundra, Chief Engineer, All India Radio, Directorate
Sh. D. P. Singh, Chief Engineer, Training, All India Radio and Doordarshan
Ms. N. Suneja, Jt. Director, Min. of Agriculture
Workshop on Community Radio for Healthcare, Education & Livelihood generation: New Delhi, 16th & 17th April 2007
WDF organized a workshop on 16th &17th App. 2007 along with Media Lab Asia, MCIT, GOI on the topic Community Radio for Healthcare, Education & Livelihood generation.The chief guest was Sri. R. ChandraSekhar I.A.S Add. Secretory MCIT, GOI and guest of honor was Sri Kiran Karnik, President NASSCOM. The items discussed are as below:
Key participants

Seminar on Community Radio Station: New Delhi, 10th & 11th January 2007
WDF organized a two days seminar on the topic Community Radio Station on 10th & 11th January 2007. The main purpose of this seminar was to focus all methodology to get the license, install and use the community radio station to spread education and social awareness among the poor and socially disadvantaged. Sri D. .Pathak , Former director IB and member NSAB, Sri R. Mani Naidu & Sri V. Kurian CMS were present among others. A few details of the delibressions are as under:
There were special sessions to discuss various issues related to setting up of low power FM Radio Stations for Educational Institution/ NGOs. Eminent speakers from industry education and field were drawn. The related equipment were also exhibited.

Seminar on Broadcasting and IT for Education and Social Development: New Delhi, 25th & 26th March 2004
WDF organized a two-day seminar on the topic Broadcasting and IT for Education and Social Development on 25th & 26th March 2004. The main purpose of this seminar is to discuss the use of IT and broadcasting for spread of education and helping the poor and disadvantaged people in the country.Prof. Yashpal Scientist Emeritus was the chief guest and B.S.Bhatia Director, Development and Educational Communication Unit, Space Application Center Ahmadabad was the key note speaker. A few topics of the deliberations are given below.