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Dr. H. O. Srivastava is the President of the trust. He has professional experience of 50 years in electronic media in various capacities. He was formerly Chief Engineer of All India Radio and Doordarshan. Earlier as Chief Engineer in Directorate General All India Radio, he was responsible for expansion of broadcast system in the country. He established IT Division of All India Radio, formulated and piloted the proposal for establishment of BECIL, a public sector undertaking of Min of I&B, established AIR Resources, a wing for sharing infrastructure of All India Radio and Doordarshan with private broadcasters, among others. He worked for the policy formulation of Community Radio Stations (CRSs) from Directorate General and was pivotal in signing a number of MOUs for consultancy for expansion of broadcasting in private sector. This included MOU with IGNOU for setting up 40 nos. of 10 kW FM stations in the country for educational broadcasts,12 MOUs with private broadcasters for commercial FM stations, and a number of MOUs for CRSs such as CMS Lucknow, Banasthali Vidyapeeth, PG college Ghazipur, Sardar Patel University Gujrat, FTII Pune, Ministry of Agriculture etc. He was also pivotal in helping Ministry of Agriculture in establishing network for agriculture broadcast for the farmers in the entire country using AIR/TV network.

Dr. Srivastava received the Master of Science(Electronics) degree from Gorakhpur University in 1967, Ph. D. Degree in Chemistry from Poorvanchal University in 1996 and another Ph. D. Degree in Information Systems from BITS Pilani in 1999. He joined Indian Broadcasting Service in 1972 and was responsible for management and expansion of broadcast network in India. He got training in the Information technology and Management in UK, USA, Japan and Norway. He worked as Commonwealth Ex-pert in 1991 and ITU Expert in 1992. He has published one hundred six articles in national and international journals and has authored three books namely “Interactive Television Technology and Markets” published by Artech House, Boston, USA in 2002 and “Broadcast Technology: A Review” in 1999, “Prasaran Takniki : Aaj, Kal aur Aaj” in 2004. He received Six international and a life time achievement award for contribution in the field of broadcasting namely Dr. S. N. Mitra award for the year 2001 from Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India. Dr. Srivastava was selected “Marquis World’s Who’s Who in the World 2001”. Earlier, he was declared International Who is Who for the year 1998.

Dr. Srivastava was Chairman of IETE, New Delhi During 2004-2006. His areas of interest are Information System, Digital storage, Multimedia Broadcasting and Broadcast application for social issues. He is keenly associated with expansion of CRS and other means of new media for social cause.

Executive Director:

Dr. Chandra Rashmi is Executive Director of World Development Foundation. She is a freelance writer, advisor and consultant in the field of electronic media, education and Information Technology. She has published numerous articles on Education, Management, IT and literature including a book on “Prasaran Takniki: Kal Aaj aur Kal” (Broadcast Technology: Past, Present and Future). She compiled and edited a regular monthly column on “Broadcast News” for an Indian technical magazine called BITCOM INDIA. Earlier she was the principal of Bharati Mahila Mahavidyalaya (Degree College), Jaunpur, Varanasi, India.

She is Master in Arts, Master in Education and Ph.D in Education.


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